3D Computer Graphics

3D computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphics) are graphics that utilize a three-dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images. Such images may be for later display or for real-time viewing. Despite these differences, 3D computer graphics rely on many of the same algorithms as 2D computer vector graphics in the wire frame model and 2D computer raster graphics in the final rendered display. In computer graphics software, the distinction between 2D and 3D is occasionally blurred; 2D applications may use 3D techniques to achieve effects such as lighting, and primarily 3D may use 2D rendering techniques. 3D computer graphics are often referred to as 3D models. Apart from the rendered graphic, the model is contained within the graphical data file. However, there are differences. A 3D model is the mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (either inanimate or living). A model is not technically a graphic until it is visually displayed. Due to 3D printing, 3D models are not confined to virtual space. A model can be displayed visually as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering, or used in non-graphical computer simulations and calculations.


The process of creating 3D computer graphics can be sequentially divided into three basic phases: 3D modeling which describes the process of forming the shape of an object, layout and animation which describes the motion and placement of objects within a scene, and 3D rendering which produces an image of an object.


The model describes the process of forming the shape of an object. The two most common sources of 3D models are those originated on the computer by an artist or engineer using some kind of 3D modeling tool, and those scanned into a computer from real-world objects. Models can also be produced procedurally or via physical simulation.


Before an object is rendered, it must be placed (layout/laid out) within a scene. This is what defines the spatial relationships between objects in a scene including location and size. Animation refers to the temporal description of an object, i.e., how it moves and deforms over time. Popular methods include keyframing, inverse kinematics, and motion capture, though many of these techniques are used in conjunction with each-other. As with modeling, physical simulation is another way of specifying motion.


Rendering converts a model into an image either by simulating light transport to get photorealistic images, or by applying some kind of style as in non-photorealistic rendering. The two basic operations in realistic rendering are transport (how much light gets from one place to another) and scattering (how surfaces interact with light). This step is usually performed using 3D computer graphics software or a 3D graphics API. The process of altering the scene into a suitable form for rendering also involves 3D projection which allows a three-dimensional image to be viewed in two dimensions.


Not all computer graphics that appear 3D are based on a wireframe model. 2D computer graphics with 3D photorealistic effects are often achieved without wireframe modeling and are sometimes indistinguishable in the final form. Some graphic art software includes filters that can be applied to 2D vector graphics or 2D raster graphics on transparent layers. Visual artists may also copy or visualize 3D effects and manually render photorealistic effects without the use of filters.

Microsoft ha revelado sus planes de lanzar la primera gran actualización de su sistema operativo Windows Vista a comienzos del próximo año.
Muchas de las grandes empresas clientes de Microsoft esperan el lanzamiento del primer "service pack" - un conjunto de programas de refuerzo, actualizaciones y mejoras - antes de introducir un nuevo sistema operativo de Windows.

Los clientes corporativos a menudo se muestran remisos a adoptar nuevos programas para que Microsoft tenga el tiempo necesario para solucionar los problemas experimentados por los usuarios regulares, que suelen comprar sus ordenadores nuevos con el último sistema operativo ya instalado.

En una nota colgada en su página web, Microsoft adelantó sus planes de comenzar las pruebas de Windows Vista SP1 en una pequeña audiencia en unas pocas semanas, y espera distribuir el producto entre los fabricantes de ordenadores en el primer trimestre de 2008.

Microsoft ha anunciado que el primer paquete no es tan significativo como en el pasado, porque la compañía puede ahora instalar parches y refuerzos en el producto por medio de actualizaciones a través de Internet.

Windows Vista SP1 debería mejorar la seguridad del sistema operativo, su estabilidad y su rendimiento, pero no cambiará su apariencia ni añadirá ninguna función importante, añadió.

Microsoft también ha comunicado que retrasará la fecha de distribución del Windows Server 2008 entre los fabricantes de hardware.

Además anunció sus planes de lanzar el tercer "service pack" de Windows XP, el predecesor de Vista, en las próximas semanas. Se distribuirá entre los fabricantes de ordenadores en el primer semestre de 2008.

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